Sunday, January 31, 2010

Welcome to Hot Air readers 

I will be joining several other writers filling in for Ed Morrissey and Allahpundit at Hot Air (the big board -- I've been posting occasionally in the Green Room for some months now) over the next few days. The boys are apparently off to parts unknown. It's for this reason you will see a rare (for me) Sunday post at the Scholars. Some material will be just here on Scholars alone, so you will want to read both places.

I take it is unnecessary to tell you that Hot Air is a favorite blog of mine, and that I think you should read it. But I just did, so there.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Media alerts 

I'll be on WJON with Jay Caldwell at about 10:40am CT today for my usual discussion of area economic conditions. Your live listen link is there.

I will also be on the Ed Morrissey Show at 2pm CT to discuss the latest economic news, where the jobs are and are not, and whatever other silliness Ed and I get into. (Link goes to UStream page currently, will put in HotAir link when it goes live.)

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Media alert: The Ed Morrissey Show 

I will be on the Ed Morrissey Show at 2pm Central Time. Click that link and follow directions to listen in!

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Media alert: The Ed Morrissey Show 

I'll be on the Ed Morrissey Show at 2:30pm CT today. I believe he's doing movies in the first half hour, so tune in for the whole show. I don't have a scorecard for what he wants to talk about, but I bet it will be economicky.

UPDATE: Different show link, and found out he wants to talk Fed. Google for Operation Twist to prepare...

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Media alert: Hot Air radio 

I'll join Ed Morrissey on Hot Air Radio at 2:30pm CT today to talk about the stimulus package, the mortgage bailout, and whither goeth the Obama economic plan. Be sure to tune in!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Media alert: Hot Air radio 

I'll be on The Ed Morrissey Show at 2pm today CT. We'll discuss new data on housing. Let me also point to this article in the WSJ this morning on the same data, with some additional city-level data. Please listen in!

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Late media alert 

My friend Ed Morrissey just wrote to ask me to be on The Ed Morrissey Show around 2:30. We will discuss the economy and maybe the series of posts on the bulletin boards. The series is in progress and will continue for another two weeks or so -- as I mentioned to Gary while he was here on campus this AM, SCSU is a target-rich environment for such posts. I've only explored one building thus far. Here are the first six photo-posts:

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