Friday, June 13, 2008

Daily effects of indoctrination, part five 

This is part five of a continuing series, background here. Previous drawings can be found from yesterday's item here. This appears in the classroom and office building stairwell nearest my office, and has been left up for months.

I am not interested, for those who have asked, in having this display taken down. It's not my job to decide what the university wants to present to students, staff and visitors (read: parents and incoming freshmen visiting campus for orientation). I would rather have this material out there for people to see, as it is my opinion that this is what the campus views as part of its function.

In case that picture is too small for you, the book they are all looking at is titled "History by Whites". This is specific to the U.S., given the map and flag. Is white privilege a uniquely American experience? Perhaps we could have a map and flag of Rwanda and change "Whites" to "Hutus". Or Chinese looking at a history of Indonesia or Malaysia.

Thomas Sowell wrote of the success of the M Street School, later Dunbar High, from the 1880s on to 1955. It was the only black high school in DC, along with three white public high schools. In 1899 each took a standardized test, and M St. beat out two of the three white schools in test scores. Nobody was reading Zinn back then.

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