Monday, February 01, 2010

Your role in transparency 

From the Hon. Eric Lipman of the Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings, word of a training session for citizens interested in how our state government makes rules and how you can influence them:
The Minnesota Legislature hopes that the process for making state administrative rules will be open and transparent. In fact, Minnesota�s Administrative Procedure Act is structured so as to increase the public�s access to government information, improve public participation in the formulation of administrative rules and boost the accountability of government agencies.

The MSBA Administrative Law Section will host a training session on citizen involvement in the rulemaking process. This course will explore how citizens can improve the effectiveness of their comments on proposed rules and a set of best practices for government officials when reviewing this important feedback.
The judge writes, "Mindful of your own work in educating the public on economics -- and particularly "public choice" -- I thought that this news would be of interest you and your NARN audience." I quite agree. $20 to register from the link above, including a meal, seems money well spent.

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