A list of proposed taxes from the Democrats in D.C., via David Boaz. There is a similar list for the state DFL from
Faegre and Benson last June:
- Increase the individual income tax to 9 percent (House) and 9.25 percent (Senate) on the top tier of earners
- Increase the current income tax rates for all income taxpayers (Senate)
- Eliminate the tax deduction for mortgage interest for many homeowners; replace the deduction with a targeted credit
- Eliminate the tax deduction for real estate taxes
- Eliminate the tax deduction for charitable donations; replace with targeted credit
- Eliminate the tax credit for education expenses
- Double the gross-receipts tax and increase the excise on alcohol and beer, and more than double the excise tax on cigarettes
- Impose a surcharge on lenders charging interest greater than 15 percent
- Increase commercial and industrial property taxes by a projected $300 million in the 2010-11 biennium
- Allow counties to exercise the option to impose a � cent sales tax to compensate for loss in county aid
- Eliminate the tax exemption for interest on municipal and 501(c)(3) bonds
- Eliminate the foreign royalty subtraction and foreign operating company provision in corporate income tax
- Eliminate the credit for organ transplants
- Tax as income a portion of most tax increment financing and tax abatement subsidies
- Tax sales of remote sellers by expanding the definition of a company's nexus
- Impose a sales tax on digital downloads
- Eliminate some of the incentives for JOBZ, or eliminate the program entirely
- Allow the creation of "street improvement districts" by cities to assess fees at uncapped levels for transportation improvements
Expect many of those to make
a return performance in 2010.
Labels: Minnesota, taxes
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by King : 3:31 PM