Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Sunshine Week! 

My interview with Marty Owings and Dave Aeikens on the Minnesota House press-supression is here. The St. Cloud Times weighed in yesterday with an editorial:
In an apparent effort to avoid being caught on candid camera, the House tried to limit audio and video recording and photography of public hearings in House Committee hearing rooms.

Yes, that�s right. They sought to prevent reporting to the public events at public hearings.

On the Senate side, local conservative radio personality Dan �The Ox� Ochsner had the DFL-led Senate deny him annual media credentials this session despite having held them several other sessions.

Capitol folks have tried to justify these actions on themes such as �not enough room,� �we�re updating our rules� and �they don�t regularly cover the Capitol.�

Sorry, but they are missing the point. Legislators are conducting the public�s business, not the media�s business. The only rules needed are those that embrace openness � no matter who is asking for it.
Amen to that. Gary Gross provides additional coverage.

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