Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Airplane Etiquette, #2 

We returned from our daughter's graduation on Sunday. As usual the plane had zero empty seats. This time we were accompanied by families with young children. Here's a key tip for parents: Any child under two or cutting teeth needs something to chew or drink for take-offs and landings. If teething, they need something to occupy (besides the airplane window frame) their mouths. Given the restrictions on liquids today, perhaps parents can take a straw with a powdered drink, empty bottle, and get water from the flight attendant to make a beverage for the kids.

All in all, we had six kids under the age of four quite close to us. Thankfully four of these kids had parents who came prepared: puzzles, their personal blankets, and something to help with air pressure changes. The other two, no such luck. I know problems can arise but having travelled on planes with a kid from age six months on, it doesn't take too much. We thanked the parents of the behaved kids. The parents with the screamer couldn't get off the plane fast enough - they could save themselves some embarrassment with a little planning.

In a previous post, I mentioned people standing immediately upon arrival. I was politely reminded that many people rise because they can finally stretch their legs - point well taken. Thank you.

