Monday, March 19, 2007
Like you couldn't have guessed this!
A substantial TV ad campaign turned Education Minnesota into the top-spending lobbying organization in 2006, according to a tally produced by the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board.Source. I'm shocked to learn that teachers would lobby politicians! What is the world coming to? Who's in second and third?
The state teachers union reported spending $1.5 million last year. Annual reports were due to the board last week.
The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, the 2005 lobbying leader, estimated its spending at $1.38 million. The Minnesota Vikings spent $1.16 million � roughly the same as the three previous years combined � in pursuit of state subsidies toward a new stadium.My God, the Vikes are as bad at spending lobbying dollars as they are at picking coaches or free agents!
Teachers gave $156,250 to the DFL Senate Caucus alone.