Monday, January 04, 2010
Trade as oppression
We can engage in oppressing communities of color when we seek to eat the food as a way of experiencing their culture. To whites, the culture of people of color can represent the unknown and "consuming" the culture through eating food can be a way to dominate it.I am obviously not smart enough to be a sociologist. I thought when I offered to pay $15 for that plate of tofu and spinach tonight at Hsu's, and afterwards I say thank you and the owner says thank you (the double thank-you that John Stossel discusses) I had honored that person by engaging in mutually beneficial trade. I wanted the food more than the $15, and Hsu wanted the $15 more than the ingredients, time and labor, and overhead that went into serving me. So when I saw the pictures of NBA stars Larry Bird and Magic Johnson in the entryway, posing with the owner, they were just "oppressing communities of color."
I even waited 30 minutes for a table to get on with my oppressing. Man, when I want to oppress there is NO stopping me! So when I went to the Turkish restaurant last night, that was me getting even. You got me. In fact, I need to go now and get some more grape leaves. I have got a LOT of getting even to do.