Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Fill one line on my dance card 

In case you had a moment of deja vu this morning, yes, I'm now posting a few things in Hot Air's Green Room. They occasionally promote items to the big board, and yesterday's post I started on Scholars is there this morning. If one person takes that to a town hall, you have made almost seven years of blogging here worthwhile.

But most exciting to me is a link to that story from The Weekly Standard this AM. Not that it will generate as much traffic for this humble blog as an Instalanche, but because, as I told Ed, Bill Kristol is on my dream Dinner for Five guest list. He and Charles Krauthammer, who's also on the list, would be a conversation I would pay to hear.

Not that all would be conservatives at the dinner. Another guy on my list would be Bill Russell because I admired him as much as a coach as I did as a player (fellow Celtics center Dave Cowens should be in that group too, but Russell is funnier.)

Ed might have enough pull to get me Kristol at a meal, but Russell? He'd get confused and bring me that Dodger shortstop instead.

(And yes, I know MKHammer was the linker, but she's not on my dinner list. If there's to be a woman, it's going to be Linda Ellerbee, who was as much a part of my college years as Tom Snyder, given I usually had overnight jobs.)

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