Friday, May 30, 2008


The first test of the session has come, to alter the agenda to allow for nominations for national delegate to come up after lunch. Many alternates right now are sitting in the balcony waiting to come down, and there'd be a second chance for them to be seated, which they need to help with the Ron Paul slate. That was defeated indicating that the McCain-state party people have come out in force.

First credential call is going on right now. Attendance appears to be middling for delegates vs alternates. Second District had about 60% of its delegates here; 55% in the Third.

Fascinating: I'm looking at the StarTribune State Politics page. Tell me if you can find the Franken story on it before you click this. Hmmmm.

Meanwhile, credentials are passed and the balcony that held the alternates is now practically empty as they come onto the convention floor. The rules debate is beginning now, and this will probably deserve a separate post.
