Friday, June 15, 2007

Spicoli does Sartell 

The SC Times continues its reprinting of area high school commencement speeches with a Ferris Bueller riff from Sartell HS. Mr. Griffin sounds like an average teen, and probably a good kid. But what I ask is where the adults are. Who's the person who sits with Mr. Griffin and says, "are you sure this is what you want to say? When you tell your grandchildren that you gave the commencement address" (note, we don't say valedictory any more -- there's a lesson in that) "will you be proud to give a copy of this to them? Do you think it will inspire any one?"

Someone in the faculty or administration of that high school almost certainly read this beforehand. That person did no good service to this student. Instead, I bet s/he smiled at the Bueller reference.

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