Friday, June 08, 2007

NARN live at the Capitol tomorrow 

NARN will be live at the World War II Veterans Memorial at the State Capitol tomorrow. All three shows will be there, with Scott, Brian and Chad 11-1; Ed and Mitch 1-3pm, and Michael and me 3-5. The dedication begins around 2.

We are looking forward to having John Lott on the air to discuss his book Freedomnomics. Those of you who remember Lott more for More Guns, Less Crime should listen in, as I may ask a couple of questions about that work as well. I'll have a review of the book up after the show.

UPDATE (6/9): Our current troops are also to be saluted. Mike from Lamplighter's News, a former guest host of Scholars, has done great work getting together some care packages for the troops overseas. So successful, he has 100 extra he's looking to send but needs addresses for. I know a few of our readers -- brought by Janet, who's enjoying Alaska right now -- are keenly interested in this and might know how to let supply create its own demand. Click through, and get Mike a note with an address to send these packages.

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