This is both sad and funny. The husband of the coach for women's basketball at Michigan State is John McCallie, and he teaches in the school's economics department. It appears to be a
visiting appointment though his wife has been the coach for seven seasons there. A story in the Associated Press tells that the fellow
had an unfortunate turn in the airport.
According to an airport police report, the incident took place after one of the couple's bags did not arrive in the baggage claim. Airline officials told the couple they needed baggage claim stubs to find the lost luggage.
McCallie then reportedly went to a trash can where he had thrown out the stubs.
"McCallie started dumping out the trash looking for the tag," said Bob Mattingly, the airport's vice president of operations and maintenance. "One of the police officers approached him and said, 'What are you doing' and 'please clean it up.'
"Then the man just flipped out."
Police said McCallie refused to clean up the mess, began yelling obscenities and swinging the trash can at the officer.
When Officer George Munkelwitz attempted to handcuff him, McCallie slapped his hand away. The two began to struggle and ended up on the ground, where the professor bit the officer's finger when he tried to grab his wrist, airport police said.
McCallie reportedly would not let go and was subdued when the officer pressed a pressure point behind his ear.
I can see myself dumping out the contents of the trash bin -- I remember once losing a key to a bag that needed to be re-checked at an airport and asking if the TSA agent would like to shoot the lock off it (she was not amused) -- but the whole swinging of trashcans thing is a little over the top. Wonder if he will travel with the #23 Lady Spartans in the NCAA playoffs next weekend?
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by King : 2:55 PM