Friday, December 15, 2006

Toughness and Love 

American soldiers are the greatest fighting force in the world. But their fierce discipline and mighty power are tempered by the love they show for those who are weak or needy.

As in years past, our soldiers are collecting supplies for children and families in Iraq and Afghanistan. SCSU Scholars has supported this program in prior years. Again, we are requesting your assistance to our soldiers as they demonstrate the generosity of Americans.

Ok, maybe you think this sounds kind of hokey - but let's be honest - our military, regardless of war, regardless of location, regardless of political whim has always gone out of its way to provide the locals with necessities.

Spirit of America would like your help in the following two areas:
1 - Supplies for school children in Iraq and Afghanistan - remember, girls are going to school in Afghanistan for the first time in decades. Though the Taliban would like to prevent their education, it is happening - you can help keep it going.
2 - Blankets - those of us in MN understand cold to a degree - what we don't understand is cold without central heat. A blanket would come in mighty handy.

If you or your church group, school group, or other group can help, please click on the link highlighted above and pitch in. We can make a difference.

For extra measure, toss in some bags of M & Ms and Double Bubble gum - for our guys - these are some of their favs.
