Thursday, March 02, 2006

The biggest problem is, I'm not shocked 

*UPDATED: Reader Bob points out the student dropped out of school rather than fight the charge and possible expulsion. That is correct; I regret the mistake. I fail to see how that makes William & Mary's behavior any more justified.

At William & Mary, which I will remind you is a public school, a male student was accused of rape, named publicly by the administration, and then had all charges dropped. Yet, as Wendy McElroy points out, the student remains expelled withdrawn* from school and the charges are on his student record.
The situation at W&M is more typical of how PC functions on campus: quietly, bureaucratically and against the "little guy." The case is also significant because includes a blueprint of how to break the back of PC power. Namely, uproot the laws and policies through which it bites.
A student newspaper is leading the charge. At a public university, students are to have all the rights that any citizen would have, and indeed the school's student handbook guarantees the student's civil liberties. Sadly, I'm not surprised that the university, in its haste to appear politically correct, ran roughshod over those liberties.

