Thursday, January 12, 2006

Education Minnesota writes bad surveys 

Andy is a little peeved about Education Minne$ota spending a million bucks to "listen to the people." I see they have a feedback form! I think this is a perfect opportunity to tell EdMN what you really think. I'm no expert on survey writing, but questions on funding having the choices "more than adequate", "adequate", "barely adequate" and "inadequate" would seem to me a little slanted towards finding (surprise!) not enough money. The words "too much" would have been nice.

Or, try this:
Minnesota has had among the highest standards in the nation for individuals to become public school teachers, which include completing a state-approved education program in college and a rigorous licensing process. Should we maintain our current high standards for prospective teachers or lower them?

"Um, gee, let me see here. Yes, I want lower standards." No option to raise standards. No option to say "we need different standards".

The survey's last question asks for biggest challenge facing your local public school. Again, surprise! there's no choice of "arrogant, grasping union". I invite readers to visit the survey: They really want to know what you think, so tell 'em!

