Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A speck of red 

Just got back from the Kleis victory party, which was a victory for Dave Kleis, winning 5,799 to 4,838 for incumbent John Ellenbecker. Kleis gave a rather folksy acceptance speech, thanking supporters and recalling his first run for mayor in 1989 when, as a college student, he got a whopping 96 votes and finished eighth. He still has the bottle of Vouvray he bought for that evening sixteen years ago.

I'd like to note that both representatives of District 15, Jim Knoblauch and Joe Opatz, came to the Kleis gathering. Particularly in Opatz' case, there was no reason other than respect and friendship with Kleis, since Joe is a DFLer and leaving the Legislature. I thought that a great touch of class, but that's unsurprising from him.
