Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Your multicultural lesson for today 

An advertisement on our email list this PM from a HURL department member:
Not One More Death, Not One More Dollar
College of St Benedict Flagpole, St Joseph MN
Wednesday, October 26th, 9:00 PM

A coalition of campus organizations are sponsoring a candlelight vigil at 9p.m. on Wednesday, October 26 at the CSB flagpole. We will gather to mark the heartbreaking milestone of the 2000th U.S. soldier's death and to call attention to the appalling human and economic costs of the war in Iraq and to call for immediate withdrawal of U.S. military forces.

For three points: What will be run up the flagpole?
a. the new Iraqi constitution?
b. the Sunni electoral slate for December?
c. the Mehlis report?
d. the white flag?

There will be one more death, even if we spend no more dollars. It just will be more Iraqis and fewer Americans, and this seems to be the wish of this faculty member who sends it, from the Department of the 3.7 GPA.
