Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Gagged on Ward 

There is a deliberate and malicious attempt of DePaul University to gag its campus' College Republicans from any protest of an appearance there by Ward Churchill. Andrew Marcus has been tracking the case and reports two distinct attacks on the CRs: a change in the rules on flyers which allowed its student life office to reject a set of questioning flyers to be posted around the campus; and a change by its Cultural Center to exclude the CRs from a separate meeting time for student groups with Churchill.

This is a brazen attempt to chill dissent on the DePaul campus to avoid any conflict over Churchill's visit to the campus. What kind of campus does one run when one invites controversial speakers and then attempts to squelch controversy? To understand the outrageousness of these acts, imagine if someone had banned, say, College Democrats at the University of Hawaii from a presentation by David Horowitz.

(h/t: PowerLine.)
