Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Another bias study 

Applying a technique we've seen in other studies, the Center for the Study of Popular Culture has studied nine elite law schools and nine elite journalism schools and finds that on average, the ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans is about 7:1.
Two schools we surveyed, Columbia Journalism School and Stanford Law School, maintain only a single registered Republican on their faculties. Berkeley Journalism School does not employ a single one. In a survey of 18 elite Journalism and Law schools we found 74 Republicans and 494 Democrats. ...

The facts suggest that some applications of the term �conservative� to law schools in particular is not based in any empirical evidence. Among faculty whose party affiliation we were able to identify, the supposedly �liberal� Harvard University Law School counts 45 Democrats and only 7 Republicans for a ratio of roughly 6.5 to 1. On the other hand, the supposedly �conservative� University of Chicago Law School has 55 Democrats to 8 Republicans for a ratio of roughly 6.9 to 1.
It should be noted that there were only registrations for little more than half of the faculty surveyed. This study is not as scholarly as the Rothman study, but given that it corroborates two other studies as well as the Rothman study, it adds to the robustness of these studies.
