Friday, August 26, 2005

Suggestions for a weekend trip to the Fair 

Are you going? We've already heard from Chumley that spaghetti and meatballs on a stick is a flop. And I'm sure you've heard the NARN will be there, as will the Strom Man and Woman. Food and fun and frivolity. Who could ask for more?

Me. I have a request. The Fair, alas, does not allow pets in the premises, and I'm travelling this weekend again with Missus and Littlest and Buttercup, the Scholar spokesdog. None of them have ever been to the Great Minnesota Get-Together, because they can't get together there with this no-pet deal. We need suggestions for getting BC looked after or brought into the Fair. Put them in the comment box, please, and we'll see if we can't get Missus off the schneid.

I'll be there, regardless, 12-3 tomorrow and Sunday. See you there.
