Thursday, June 09, 2005

Governor, you asked for this 

The Senate DFL's offer on Thursday would accept 55 cents of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's 75-cent proposed per-pack cigarette charge, but did not drop its own proposal for higher taxes on Minnesotans making more than $250,000.

"The governor has no high ground on taxes," said House Minority Leader Matt Entenza, DFL-St. Paul, just before entering talks with Pawlenty and GOP leaders. "Virtually every Minnesotan would be touched by the governor's tax increases," he said.

"Do you actually believe, for a moment, the governor has kept his pledge?" said Senate Majority Leader Dean Johnson, DFL-Willmar, referring to Pawlenty's promise not to raise taxes during his term.
Of course not, except that you didn't deliver a tax bill yourself, Deano. Source. See more, including an intrafamilial debate, on Our House blog. (Scroll down for full effect.)

An old Russian proverb goes that the hammer that breaks the glass also forges the steel. Governor, sometimes glass needs to be broken. The stalemate will be long; your weakness last month has made it longer by strengthening the resolve of your opponents. Johnson is trying to prevent you from picking up the hammer once again. Answer yourself why, then grab it.
