Monday, March 21, 2005

Summers history 

One may compare and contrast the actual discussion of the no-confidence vote in Larry Summers by Harvard's Arts and Sciences faculty with this investigative reporting by Prof. Blogger that such votes have occurred before. From the latter,
-- In Spring of 1492, the Harvard faculty voted "no-confidence" in the plan of Christopher Columbus to find a trade route to the Indies. According to the historical records, while the Harvard faculty conceded that the world may, indeed, be round, and that it may be possible to make such a trip (barring such unforeseeable circumstances as a continent or two blocking the way), they felt that such a trip might create a "chilling effect" on efforts to return to a geocentric view of the universe.

-- In 33AD, the same faculty voted "no-confidence" in Palestinian Jewish rabbi Jesus. According to accounts, they felt that his claim to be the Son of God was falsified by his arrest, torture, and execution. Economics professor and faculty senator Judas Iscariot also noted some discrepancies in the Messiah's application, as it listed his name simply as "Jesus of Nazareth," but many faculty members had assumed his middle initial and last name were "H. Christ." A blue ribbon panel was assembled to look into charges of identity theft.
