Thursday, February 03, 2005

Now 40% less pliable 

John Ray reports on a survey done at UCLA that says college freshmen are more colorblind than ever. And, guess what!, that's a bad thing. Matthew Peterson reports,

Sylvia Hurtado, director of HERI at UCLA, said "the freshman views on race were troubling." Why? "'There are different groups in society experiencing life differently in the United States, and that's always historically been the case,' she said. 'If they don't see these issues as important, we won't be able to change that.'"

Apparently the tautology of her statement escapes her�what if the reason students "don't see these issues as important" is because they are increasingly "experiencing life" together, and in much the same way? After all, we are all equally human beings, aren't we?

Anthony Lising Antonio, Assistant Professor at Stanford's School of Education, is quoted as saying:

I worry about these trends, because they may indicate that our youth are beginning to take on an attitude of color unconsciousness, a kind of colorblindness that allows them to ignore racial diversity...

Professor Antonio's remarks reveal the naked absurdity of the new science of diversity that infests the academy. He is worried that students are increasingly

...The UCLA study provides no data on how college seniors respond to the same questions after four years in the artifical environment of the modern academy with the likes of Professor Antonio�one wonders. But if the survey is to be trusted, Karina and others like her will weather the silly, race-baiting world of the academy well.

The executive summary of the article is here.
