Friday, July 16, 2004

Too funny 

Why I would like another child.
I was cuddling in bed with the girl child last night when she turned to me and said, "Pappa, can I tell you something?" And I said, "of course". So, she said:
Luke. I am your father.

His child is 3.5 years.  My younger one is about to turn ten.  She had spacers put in for some braces yesterday, and I spent most of the day worried about it.  After inquiring about her health for the third time in the evening while watching Iron Chef, she says "Quit worrying, Dad. I'm fine."  "Sorry, it's in my job description." 
Which it is, but there's less you can do to relieve your worry.  Which is why I think we always want another...

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Posted by King : 11:02 AM
