Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign 

Regarding the story we've covered on the UNC instructor who sent an email chastising a student's views, there has been a counterprotest at Chapel Hill. According to this local newspaper report, the U.S. representative who asked the administration to deal with this had his own speech at UNC protested by "two dozen students from bisexual, gay and lesbian campus groups."
There were one or two shouts from protesters, but they were mostly quiet, [College Republicans president Tripp] Costas said, adding that the protesters had other ways to draw attention to themselves.
'They had some interesting signs,' Costas said. 'A couple of girls were French-kissing throughout the speech.'
Um, what was I saying? Oh yeah...
[Rep. Walter] Jones spoke for about an hour, touching on a number of issues ranging from the war to freedom of speech.

Protest organizer Chase Foster was not available for comment Tuesday. In an interview with UNC's school newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel, Foster said the students targeted the congressman because they felt he mounted his defense of the student in the English class for political gain.

Am I dense? The representative sees something done wrong, seeks to help a constituent seek redress through proper channels. It's called "constituent service" in politics, and it's done all the time. And that makes somehow his motives impure, and that's why you protest? I am willing to bet I could find San Francisco legislators against the gay marriage amendment -- should we protest that this is a political choice?
