Thursday, January 08, 2004

Follow the professors' money 

Also via Pharyngula -- did anyone else notice this?
The education industry�professors, lecturers and other university employees�gave more than $2.4 million to all presidential candidates in the first three quarters of the year, with professors making up the largest group, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

The nonpartisan group, which tracks money in politics, found that nearly $719,000 went to Dean, making educators the third top-donating group among his contributors. Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites) of Massachusetts was the second-most favored Democrat by professors, with more than $325,000 in donations in the same period. President Bush (news - web sites) raised more than $680,000.

As a group, educators rank 15th among all industries with employees donating to federal candidates and party committees. That ranking is up from 33 in the 2002 elections and 26 in 2000.
Top contributors to Dean come from the Univ. of California system and Harvard. For Bush, the University of Texas and U. Cincinnati. 65% of contributions went to Democrats. Typical:
Harvard University professor Patrice Higonnet talks about Dean with his students, but only in private, he said. The 65-year-old French history professor donated $1,000 to Dean at the end of September and said none of his colleagues support Bush.
The original data is from OpenSecrets. Just context for articles like this, claiming liberal bias on campus.
