Monday, December 01, 2003

More union taxation without representation 

Our union has created a "Feminist Issues Grant" with awards to about $3000. Selection criteria are:
Member(s) of IFO;
Relevance of the project or activity to women in the IFO or MnSCU at large;
Overall clarity and feasibility of proposal;
Appropriateness of means, timeline, and planned expenses;
Plan for sharing project or activity results with a significant portion of MnSCU/IFO members;
Demonstrated commitment to feminist issues.
So one must be a union member to get this grant. Question: Is this something to be paid dues of only union members, or all members? Or, as Dave suggested in a campus email, should there be a second grant for a "Fair-Share-Assessment-Issues Grant" with a criterion of "Demonstrated commitment to "diversity-of-opinion" issues"? Heh.

Update: Maybe this guy's joke would win money? No, he's not a union member. Damn.
