Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Hi, I'm back 

After two very long weeks, I am back in St. Cloud and feeling chipper again. Nice of the locals to melt the snow and let the ice out of the Mississippi while I was gone.

I have loads to do and will still post lightly this week. Meanwhile, InstaPundit has this story from University of Iowa on how an ROTC center on that campus was vandalized. The reaction of the university was to not have ROTC cadets wear their uniforms on campus. Reynolds responds:
I think they should wear their uniforms every day. It's funny to me that a University that would never respond to racist speech by asking minority students to "try not to be so noticeable" would respond to this kind of behavior in such a meek fashion.

UPDATEIt's happening at Univ. of New Mexico too. Thanks to the indefatigible Critical Mass.
