Monday, March 10, 2003

9-11 + 18 Months 

Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless
thy chosen pilgrim flock
with manna in the wilderness,
with water from the rock.

Maelstrom of death in falling heap,
billows of smoke and flame;
your sheep in fear yet faith did leap
into thine arms - they came.

Be known to us in breaking bread,
and do not then depart;
Savior, abide with us, and spread
thy table in our heart.

Give us, we pray, thy love divine,
and dry our tears once more.
Make known thy blood through sips of wine,
as we prepare for war.

[Words adapted from those of James Montgomery (1771-1854); Music: St. Agnes; Hymnal of the Episcopal Church, 1982, Hymn #343.]

Please spend ten minutes in prayerful reflection here, on the 18-month anniversary this century's most horrific manifestation of evil in the world. It's well worth the time it takes to load.
