Sunday, December 22, 2002

St. Cloud Times asks two professors "what have you done?"  

The following brief editorial comment was made by the Times in the 12-21-02 paper:

Unless they can produce a detailed list of their constructive efforts to combat racism in St. Cloud this past year, we give a Nay to Myrle "Buster" Cooper and Michael Davis for sending a letter to some Twin Cities high schools warning that St. Cloud is "a community with a long and sordid record of racism."

Their letter targets potential high school graduates considering post-secondary education. They sent a similar letter last year, and given recent acts of vandalism against minorities in St. Cloud, it's hard to dispute their claims."

But we also ask them this: In the year between their mailings, what did they do to help the community overcome this issue? They owe not only this community, but the recipients of their letters a list of such contributions.

Mike and Buster - what say you?
