Saturday, December 28, 2002
As we all know, faculty member Mike Davis has been a very vocal social justice advocate on the SCSU campus. Recently (12-21-02), in response to Mike Davis' two different letters to students of color in Minnesota schools warning them not to come to the hostile SCSU campus, the St. Cloud Times asked a very important question of Davis and his colleague Buster Cooper. The Times stated:
"In the year between their mailings, what did they do to help the community overcome this issue? They owe not only this community, but the recipients of their letters a list of such contributions."
So far, I have not seen an objective listing of their contributions. This made me curious---to what extent is professor Davis making a scholarly contribution to the literature in his field? In my search of relevant publication databases (via the U of M library), I could only find only one publication that may be authored by Dr. Davis. It was a book review. I also checked the SCSU College of Education faculty publication page to discover that Dr. Davis is not even listed.
Dr. Davis, as a taxpayer, former SCSU faculty member, parent of a child who graduated from SCSU, and currently a visiting professor at the University of Minnesota, I would like some kind of accouting of your productivity. What scholarly contributions have you made to your field? Inquiring tax-payer minds want to know.
Kevin McGrew