Friday, September 01, 2006

Politics come to St. Cloud 

Larry Schumacher's back from vacation and writes today about the race for governor, spending most of this article talking about a visit by Becky Lourey to the area. Wetterling and Bachmann raised almost a million dollars between them (Wetterling raised $85k more, but Bachmann's money from the visit from President Bush isn't in her numbers). I noted on the show Sunday that two people told me someone bough $1 million in ads for October on Wetterling's behalf for that race -- AAA says it's from the DCCC (which wouldn't be a surprise). So if you think it's heating up now, it will be on fire in another month.

Larry also blogs that a governor's debate will be hld in St. Cloud on 16 Sept. at 9am at SCSU! I love my new radio schedule, because now I can go and easily bring that to the show that afternoon.
