Friday, November 18, 2005

More about UWEC 

I have gotten a few notes about the situation at University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire that I wrote about earlier this week. According to an email Tom Burton of the UWEC College Republicans, the Student Senate will take up the issue Monday; for now, the administration is sitting around waiting for someone in the UW system to make a legal ruling on the rule that bans a resident assistant from holding a Bible study in her or his room.

Another email from a UWEC student reminds me that UWEC has also shown an anti-religion attitude in its service learning requirement:

In my opinion, I don't see anything wrong with RA's leading a Bible study in their rooms or in their dorms. They are students, they live there, and they should have those same rights, too. As long as the RA's don't pressure anybody to join or make someone feel uncomfortable about it, they should be able to lead Bible studies. I don't believe that anyone was actually offended by this male RA leading the Bible study. It is more of the university trying to enforce their whole separation of church and state.

Recently, UWEC has been attacking people with religion. Last year, they were trying (I am not sure if they succeeded) to put a ban on religious service learning. At UWEC, we are required to fulfill 30 hours of service learning (community service) in order to graduate. The university doesn't feel that anything religiously affiliated should count (that includes working in soup kitchens), because the person is proselytizing their faith. Yet, volunteering for a political campaign is perfectly acceptable!
She's right, there was such a case, and it passed the university council. Separation of church and state has often been confusing on college campuses, but if one cannot count working in a soup kitchen as part of one's service because the kitchen was organized by a church but can participate in a rally for Planned Parenthood, something is definitely wrong.
