Thursday, May 06, 2004

Note to SCSU intercollegiate athletic scheduling people 

Dave sends along a copy of an article on why Iowa won't play Bradley.
The University of Iowa baseball team canceled a game scheduled yesterday with Bradley University because of the Illinois school's "Braves" nickname, but Iowa's moniker also has Indian origins.

University of Iowa sports teams are known as the Hawkeyes, the popular nickname for the state. The origin of the name is traced back to a 19th century newspaper publisher who wanted to honor Chief Black Hawk, and to a white scout named Hawkeye who lived among the Delaware Indians in James Fenimore Cooper's novel "The Last of the Mohicans."

Iowa decided in February to cancel its matchup with Bradley because "Braves" violates the university's policy to schedule nonconference games with teams that have Indian mascots, the campus paper, the Daily Iowan reported.
Given our own president's outspokenness on this issue, I wonder why we still even play games against the University of North Dakota? Note to Stephen: this policy apparently also applies to the University of Wisconsin, according to the article.
