Monday, March 29, 2004

Peace comes after what war? 

I get a note over the weekend asking for volunteer female peacekeeprs for the next "Take Back the Night" event at the end of April. In this march last year at Minnesota-Duluththe peacekeepers were male. So what's the deal here? Who's keeping the peace, against whom? The author of our notice writes,
The Peace Keepers role is to march outside the marchers to keep them on the one side of the street, be mindful of traffic, de-escalate situations that may arise (this doesn�t happen very often and you never have to deal with it alone), assist with people who may need to get on the van to finish the march, watch for any medical emergencies and alert the police car if needed.
What situations? Is there any documentation of people counterprotesting a TBTN event? Put your "I was abused at a TBTN event" in the comment box, please. It'll be news to me.
